Our pediatric healthcare team includes experienced pediatricians, pediatric/family medicine physician assistants, and pediatric/family medicine nurse practitioners that provide premier healthcare to infants, children, adolescents and young adults in the following ways:
A limited number of same-day appointments are available for established Neighborhood pediatric patients Monday-Friday. Call the office of your choice starting at 8:30 a.m. on the day you would like to be seen.
We are accepting new patients.
If you are an expecting parent and would like to have your child integrated into pediatric care at Neighborhood, please click here to download an informational sheet.
4233 Lake Avenue
Blasdell, NY 14219
Today’s Hours
716-332-3070 Phone
716-332-3075 Fax
Pharmacy Hours
716-332-3080 Phone
716-332-3085 Fax
Express Refills
300 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY 14201
Today’s Hours
716-242-8600 Phone
716-332-0832 Fax
Pharmacy Hours
716-242-8608 Phone
716-242-8618 Fax
Express Refills
155 Lawn Ave
Buffalo, NY 14207
Today’s Hours
716-875-2904 Phone
716-875-5346 Fax
1569 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY 14213
Today’s Hours
716-427-7000 Phone
716-332-5040 Fax
Pharmacy Hours
716-427-8000 Phone
716-229-4552 Fax
Express Refills
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